Attorneys should be readily available to their clients while providing honest evaluations of cases, affordable fees and aggressive representation.
We are dedicated to providing our clients with top-notch representation in the areas of criminal defense, family law, traffic violations, personal injury and unemployment appeals. When you hire our firm, your problems become our problems, relieving you of the stress and letting you get back to your life.
With our firm on your side, no one will outwork us and no one will be more prepared to handle your legal needs.
As an attorney practicing family law, I have clients that come to me at what can be the most emotional times in their lives.
For same-sex couples, the reality of marriage equality can mean a new and wonderful way to express love and build a legally binding framework for their relationship. However, the reality of LGBT marriage means that LGBT divorce is also a reality, with all its legal implications. This falls to Winston Salem LGBT divorce lawyers to help couples find their way through the complexity of divorce law.
For LGBT couples in Winston Salem going through a divorce, there are challenges that neither spouse believed they would ever need to face – and not the least of those is the question of child custody and payments of child support. The arrangements made for custody of children involved in a divorce have an influence on the amount of child support which will need to be paid after the divorce. LGBT child support lawyers serving Winston Salem know how difficult it is to deal with these questions, and we invite you to contact us to answer any questions you may have.
LGBTQ members have seen significant advances in recent court cases, but there are still many issues faced in the workplace and community. In order to work through more complex legal matters, it is important to contact a gay rights lawyer in Little Rock, Winston Salem. Through a gay and lesbian rights lawyer, members of the LGBTQ community can seek advice in matters involving workplace discrimination, prenuptial agreements, adoption, surrogacy, divorce, and child custody.
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